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Privacy policy

European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data, as well as on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "GDPR"), provides for the protection of individuals and other subjects concerning the processing of personal data.

Data Controller Oratorio San Giorgio Società Agricola Cooperativa - Via delle Nazioni Unite 16 41012 Carpi MO Italia
Data Controller's email address:
Phone number: 059664029
VAT number: 00323300368

SOURCE OF PERSONAL DATA: The personal data in possession of Oratorio San Giorgio Società Agricola Cooperativa with a sole shareholder are collected directly from the data subject when filling out this form.

PURPOSE OF DATA PROCESSING AND LEGAL BASIS: The processing of your data, collected and stored in relation to the completion of this form, is based on your consent and is carried out for the following purposes: to respond to requests for information sent via the form, to provide assistance and support services, to proceed with newsletter subscription, to send educational, informational, and commercial communications, to manage commercial profiling activities.

DATA RECIPIENTS: Within the limits relevant to the processing purposes indicated, your data will not be disclosed to third parties unless explicitly requested by you.

RETENTION PERIOD: The collected data will be retained for a period not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed ("principle of storage limitation," art.5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines provided by law. The obsolescence of the stored data in relation to the purposes for which they were collected is periodically checked.

RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT: The data subject has the right to request from the Data Controller access to their data, rectification or erasure of the same, restriction of processing or the possibility to object to the processing, to request data portability, to withdraw consent to processing, asserting these and other rights provided by the GDPR through simple communication to the Data Controller. The data subject can also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

MANDATORY OR OPTIONAL NATURE OF DATA PROVISION: We inform you that the provision of data is optional for some fields and mandatory for others (marked with an asterisk), and the failure to provide mandatory data will result in the form NOT being sent.

MANDATORY CONSENT: Consent to data processing by checking the appropriate box is optional but necessary to proceed with the form submission.

METHOD OF DATA PROCESSING: The personal data you provide will be subject to processing operations in compliance with the aforementioned regulation and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the Data Controller's activity. The data will be processed both with IT tools and on paper, as well as on any other suitable type of support, in compliance with adequate technical and organizational security measures provided by the GDPR.